AI Domination Blueprint for Gyms & Small Biz

Tired of the endless search for the perfect copywriter, marketer, or social media guru? Imagine if you could clone your voice, your passion, and your business savvy into an AI that does all that heavy lifting for you. That's not a dream; it's this course. We're diving deep into making ChatGPT your go-to for creating content that's undeniably you—without the sweat, the tears, or the hefty price tags.

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Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Pat Henigan

I’m a small business owner who was frustrated with the lack of qualified candidates for employment. I created A.I systems that help my business run smoothly and efficiently while saving my time (and sanity). My only goal is to help business owners who truly care increase their impact and bring more value to their clients.

Course FAQ

  • This course is for any small business owner who wants to leverage A.I to drive profits and growth while decreasing their time spent on daily tasks.

  • It doesn’t matter. This course is for anyone who can type, copy and paste and press enter. I’ll demystify A.I and show you how it can be the most powerful tool you’ve ever used.